Which segment of the turf industry are most closely associated with?
Lawns, Golf Courses, Athletic Fields
Turf interest and/or expertise
Specialist and consultant in Seashore Paspalum (P. vaginatum O. Swartz), salt-affected sites, brackish and recycled water.
What brings you to this site?
I am currently a Ph.D. student in Crop and Soil Science at Oregon State University. Dr. Rob Golembiewski is my lead professor, and I am conducting research into Seashore Paspalum emergence, best-management practices, and mixtures in temperate climates at the OSU LB Farm.
Have worked with Seashore Paspalum since 1999 and with seeded Seashore Paspalum since 2004. Planted and established first tee-to-green golf course in the world to seeded Seashore Paspalum.
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