BeaverTurf Community - Oregon State University
Online Turf Community
Time: December 13, 2010 to December 16, 2010
Location: MSU Pavilion for Agriculture and Livestock Education
Street: 4301 Farm Lane Rd.
City/Town: East Lansing, MI 48824
Website or Map:…
Phone: 517-355-0271 x 147
Event Type: educational
Organized By: K. W. Frank
Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2010
"The MSU Turf School is an intensive four-day course designed to teach the basics of turfgrass science as well as the practical techniques of managing turfgrass. The school will be "team taught" by MSU turfgrass faculty and staff. The curriculum is designed to deliver a wide range of turfgrass management topics including basic soils and soil management, turfgrass species identification, selection and physiology, turf establishment and renovation, fertilization, proper pesticide use, and environmental stewardship. A significant portion of the school is dedicated to weed, insect, and disease identification and management. The pest management section is delivered in lecture and laboratory settings with hands-on learning emphasized." -
*Information is subject to change. Please check the website for the most up-to-date information.
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